Friday, December 14, 2007

Time for some Southern Comfort

I just purchased a round trip ticket to South Carolina. (Actually Charlotte, but close enough.) A few weeks after Christmas, I'll spend 5 days with my wonderful family. It will have been 7 months since my last vacation there. We're not counting the 36 hours I spent there in September for our wedding throw down. We literally flew in, threw down, and flew out. Exhausting. I plan on spending some much needed time with my wonderful nieces and nephews and of course my trusty childhood steed,Crystal.

I like to bring out the crazy in my siblings' younguns!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Poll Results are in....

I guess polling the 9 of you who responded isn't exactly accurate research. But in a world based on the 9 people who are bored enough to check out my blog (mostly cube monkeys), 66% of you get your best ideas while laying awake in bed. Is that why all of my co-workers can be so grouchy? Just messin'! I definitely get my best ideas while writing, traveling or driving. When it's time to go to sleep there ain't nothin' that can keep me up. I may cry myself to sleep, but it never takes more than a few minutes. Certainly not enough time to come to any epiphanies. Maybe that is why I like to blog so much. Writing takes all of the crazy random thoughts and feelings in my head and somewhat organizes them on paper. (The word "somewhat" being a complete disclaimer if I ever write stupid stuff). I keep my blog posts light and fun for the most part, but if you ever got a chance to peek into my journal...whoa now buddy...ya better hold on tight.

Learning from others instead of finding out for myself - I didn’t know I was capable

So I have had this major itch to get a little tiny house dog, and Kevin and I have been considering getting a Chihuahua. We even went and looked at puppies on Saturday. After talking to my mom, I decided that instead of making an alright decision to get a little dog (we’re at a great time in life to have a puppy), I’d make a better decision and not.
My mom said that before she had her first kid…she got a dog…..during gaps between kids….she got a dog. In fact, every dog she ever got was when she was waiting to have a kid. After she had each kid she regretted having the responsibility of a dog. So mom, for once, I’m going to take your advice and put off an alright decision for a better decision. (Realize if Kevin gets me a puppy for Christmas, I’ll totally delete this post and pretend I never wrote it.)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Life of a 9-5er in Utah in December

Winter is hard for a 9-5er. When I leave for work, the sun is barely rising. When I get in my car after a long day in the office, the sun is saying her goodbyes. My restless body retreats to the gym for stimulation.
I look around the gym for an open treadmill and race another office rat for the open spot. I spend only a second thinking about all of the germs living on the buttons as I start the machine up and try to ignore the sweat drops staring at me from the control panel. I slowly increase the speed on the treadmill and start to take a good look around. After a moment of people watching I look down….only 2 minutes. This is going to be a long work out. I aimlessly flip through the channels on my monitor and settle for a Friends rerun. A few moments later I resume my people watching. I wonder if she would wear those shorts if she knew how much of her cellulite was showing? Does he realize that every time he walks past that mirror he pauses and stares for a minute? Do they ever workout when they come here, or do they really only come to talk? Aww, I hope when I’m that old I’m still that physically fit. Man I’m so tired, how long have I been on here? Do they still make neon biker shorts, or has he really kept those since the 80's? I can’t believe how much I pay to run on this treadmill like some kind of a lab rat. Only a few more months of frigid temperatures and icy side walks and I’ll be free again!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Falling and falling and falling....

Life has been really great lately. Not to be cliché, but I really do feel like I fall more and more in love every day with Kevin. I had no idea I could love someone so much. I miss him while we’re at work and it feels like Christmas each night when we both get home. We feel so lucky that our passions in life are the same. We love to be outside, we love to be in the mountains, and we love animals! Kevin has gotten to know Dollar and now agrees that Dollar has the most personality of any horse he’s ever been around. We bought a horse trailer and plan to make horses a major part of our life- something we can do together.
After the reception in SC, I was really sad to leave “home” and my family. Kevin had a 4 day hunting trip to WY scheduled the week we returned to Utah and I didn’t know how I was going to manage. Things always seem to work out the way they are meant to and I learned that Kevin leaving was a great blessing. I suddenly realized…as much as I missed my family….I missed Kevin even more! Him leaving for a few days helped me know that I was where I was meant to be and with who I am meant to be with. I feel so lucky to have Kevin in my life.


I posted some pictures of me with a dead deer on mine and Kevin’s blog, so I figure a rundown of what went through my head that day is in order. I’ve gone hunting with Kevin numerous times, but nobody ever shot anything. I was getting pretty comfortable riding Dollar up to some peak in the wee hours of the morning and then looking for deer and elk through binoculars and a spotting scope. I love to see the animals! After a long day on a really rough trail, Brock, Kevin, and I began our long ride down Maple Mountain. All of a sudden, Brock jumped off of his horse, grabbed his gun from his scabbard, and he took a shot. I barely had time to jump off Dollar and grab his lead rope before the beautiful and graceful buck standing on the knoll ahead, looking over the beautiful valley below, hit the snow with a mighty thud. At first adrenaline surged through my body as I calmed Dollar down from the shot. Then the realization hit me; the deer was dead. Kevin told me to stay back as they went to make sure that the poor animal wasn’t struggling. The buck wasn’t, Brock shot him straight through the heart. Over the next thirty minutes or so, Brock skinned and quartered up the deer. It was very solemn for me. I had an intense realization of how fragile life is. With a pull of a trigger life can be lost. In one instance, the world can be changed forever. As I saw the inside of the deer’s body, I realized how amazing our bodies are, yet how fragile. I wasn’t so much sad for the end of the deer’s life, as I was amazed at God’s creations and God’s plan. Every living thing born in this world will return to the earth. So I know you're probably wondering...I have NO desire to shoot anything living but I love being in the mountains with Kevin. Seeing Brock shoot that deer didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It was almost spiritual in some weird way.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Pics from Myrtle Beach Summer 07

Take me to the beach momma!!!

My 3 favorite Power Rangers

Nothing worse than sand in the crack!

Baby Yoga on the Beach

Beach Boys

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A new season

We’re right on the cusp of winter. As my body adjusts to the cold, I spend every day sitting at my desk, wrapped in a fleece blanket. I’m freezing. Even at midday, there is a chill in the air. This has been a hard couple of days for me. I just flew back from SC on Sunday. I’m always a little sad when I leave “home” and fly west, but I’m over it before the plane flies over the Rockies. This time was different. The realization finally hit me. “Home” is now Utah. SC is just where I grew up. As happy as I am being married and as much as I love Utah, I feel as if part of me is lost. The cultures are just so different. Whenever we make decisions, no matter how wonderful they are, there are always sacrifices attached.

Monday, September 24, 2007


So I never turned into Bridezilla for real....our wedding was just perfect! Low stress and only family and a few local friends. The second picture is for my dad; it is of him and his favorite Catawaba indian. : )

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Locked out

Today started out like a normal day. Kevin left for work and I set out for a run. I grabbed Kevin’s keys instead of mine, and when I got back from running I had 10 minutes to get ready and get out the door. The house key on Kevin’s key ring wouldn’t fit. I started to freak out a little bit. Here I was in running shorts and a soaking wet t-shirt locked out of the house. What were my options? I’m pretty good at breaking in if I have a credit card or library card so I thought I’d start there. I searched Kevin’s truck for anything thin and plastic. Nothing. Blast. Next option…..I could drive to Kevin’s parents house, and see if they have a spare key, or spare change of clothes I could work in; then I looked at the clock 8am- they were surely already at work. Think Jessica- THINK! Kevin said he was working for an hour or so in Springville and I thought I knew the neighborhood they have been working in, so I jumped in his truck, wiped the sweat off of my forehead and started searching for his work van. It didn’t take long before I found him. Thank goodness he was outside. I would have died if I would have met his co-workers for the first time wearing running shorts, a shirt with sweaty pits and a nice sweat mark running down my back. Sweet Kevin met me at the house, and after a few minutes of battling with the 1950’s lock and key….we were in! Whew! I was so relieved I didn’t have to show up to work in my sweaty running clothes and nappy bed head.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11th

While visiting Pearl Harbor, I realized this tragedy in our country's history was so emotionally traumatic to the people who lived through it, whether they were there when it happened, or not. Anyone alive on December 7th 1941 will never forget where they were when they learned of the devastation. I have to admit, every December 7th passes and I never associate the day with Pearl Harbor- I didn't experience it first hand, but I bet my Grandma makes the connection each year. She would have been in high school.
Now for the rest of my life....I will always think of the terrorist attacks when I hear "September 11th." Six years later and the date is just as, if not more, engraven on my mind. I don't know why I did, but I pulled up some footage of the planes crashing into the towers on YouTube today. I guess I wanted to stir the emotions within me, I wanted to feel some of the sorrow I felt six years ago. History will always provide us with stories of tragedy and devastation; the scary part is that history will be made in our lifetimes and our children's. What dates will be burnt into the minds of our children?

Adventures of the Mom and Dad

My parents just got back from Mexico/Guatemala. They toured around all of the historical sites and archaeological digs that support the stories in the Book of Mormon. John Lund, a prominent LDS church historian was their personal tour guide. The fact my parents went on this trip is not the least bit surprising to me, but I was shocked when they reported the 9 zip line rides they took through the jungle. My mom said, "I was standing in the top of this tree, well more like hugging this tree and I look over and there are monkeys swinging from tree to tree. That's when you know you are not where you are suppose to be." Mom is petrified of heights, so I was proud of her for facing her fear and allowing some adventure in. They seemed to enjoy their time there and are planning a trip with John Lund to Israel next year.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Run Forrest Run!

I have definitely regressed in my running abilities since high school cross country, but I hit a mile mark today. I've had knee trouble since 05' and it got a lot worse in the last year so my runs are always cut short with knee pain and I end up walking a lot. I've been running/walking a 2.5 mile loop everyday but could never run after this long downhill slope that killed my knees. So I came up with a plan......knee braces. I look and feel like Forrest Gump, but a miracle happened! My knees didn't hurt until the last little bit. I finished the loop for the first time without walking. I feel like a cripple now and can barely walk down stairs, but I did it! I never thought I'd be excited to run 2.5 miles, but then again I never thought I'd have bad knees at 24. : )

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

We're alive.....

It’s been over a month since my last post. Kevin and I got married, spent a week cruising around the Hawaiian Islands and are slowly but surely adjusting to married life.

Kevin and I have had fun making his bachelor pad into a “home”. We’ve had quite the adventure trying to find a mattress that we both like, that doesn’t kill our backs. Kevin brought the latest one home yesterday. I feel like Goldilocks. This one is too hard….this one is too soft…..and hopefully this new one will be just right!

Next weekend Kevin and I are heading up Nebo. We’re going to take Dollar and camp in luxury. We’ll load Dollar down with all of our gear/food and the three of us will make a weekend of it.

I'll try to post pictures soon. You can find our wedding proofs at Just go to online proofing.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Final Count Down......

With three days until my wedding, I feel surprisingly calm. Kevin makes it easy though. Mom, Grandma, Heather, and Aimee fly in tomorrow, and I am looking forward to spending some time with them. I love you all! I’ll post pictures as soon as we’re back from Hawaii!
Here are some pictures from Myrtle Beach:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I flew to SC last weekend to be in Isabel's wedding. It was super busy, but the wedding was gorgeous!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Elder Scotty- Alive and well!

I’m off to Colorado for a 3 day work trip, but I just heard from my dear friend Elder Scotty, who is serving an LDS mission in OK. Here is a paragraph from his last letter:

“I used to like dogs before my mission. Now I hate them.

I nearly got swallowed by a humungadunga german shepherd in the ghetto a few days ago. This HUGE unchained and uncollared dog tears out of a front yard after me on a bike (I was on the bike, not the dog), with a guttural growly bark and tail firmly planted in a fixed and unfriendly position. This wasn’t a “Look! Something fun to chase!” bark, it was a “MURDER DEATH KILL AAARGH!” bark. I was much more scared than the raccoon incident. I did the smartest thing, yelp and tear off quickly on the bike. I had to be rocking at 25+ MPH and the dog was right behind me, timing his head to the pedaling motion of my sweet, succulent calf. As proof that mercy is an operating law in the universe, after 300 yards the dog slowed off and went his way. Another 300 yards away was a brave, strikingly apathetic Lawton Police officer parked under the shade of a tree picking his nose, who was shocked to be bothered with such unimportant reports of a man-eating dog on the loose. I’m going to start carrying “strong enough for a man, but made for a dog” pepper spray. Or maybe a machete.”

I love this story for many reasons but a few of my favorite reasons are:
1- There was a raccoon incident not expounded on that really stimulates my imagination!
2-Scott used the adjective “humungadunga”
3- I can picture Scott in his missionary attire pumping his legs like crazy, tie flapping in the wind.
4- The police officer wasn’t eating donuts or talking to a fellow officer; he was picking his nose.

Thanks for the laughs Elder Scotty!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Kevin and Me

Friday, July 06, 2007

My biggest adventure yet!!!!!

If I told you I was getting married in four weeks would you believe me? Well, if I would have told myself I would be getting married in four weeks just 4 days ago, I wouldn’t have believed me either, but it’s time to believe! Kevin and I will be married on August 4th in Salt Lake and will fly to Hawaii on Sunday for a week long cruise around the islands. No one thought we could plan a wedding in 4 weeks, but things are falling into place perfectly and with every day that passes we are more and more thankful we chose not to wait longer. We’re not having a reception, but if you want an announcement, email me your address! Love you all!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Back to Work

Well, I'm back from what was the best vacation I've ever been on! It's hard to put the nose back to the grind stone. Maybe if some famous rapper would come and pimp my cubicle, I'll feel more motivated to be at work. Does anyone know how I can apply?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Stormy Weather? I sure hope not.

Kevin and I leave for the airport in a few hours and the weather doesn't look good. 4 straight days cooped up in a beach house with 12 kids and 14 ADHD adults = disaster.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Krull 1983

You may have a movie from your childhood that you watched repeatedly. At our house, one of those movies was Krull, released in 1983 (the year I blessed the earth with my presence.) I grew up playing Queen Lyssa and thought I would find true romance when I could look into a man's eyes and say..."Take the fire from my hand." Now a big pull for me to this movie was of course the horses. They were called the "Fire Mares" and were Clydesdales that could run so fast flames shot from their hooves. The Cyclops and Ergo the magician were two of my favorite characters and I had nightmares about the Lady in the web and her evil Spider. Colwyn was my second movie crush. (Val Kilmer in Willow being my first.) Here are some fun pictures from this classic 80's sci fi film.

It's all coming back.....

Ain't- am not, are not, is not, have not, has not

All y'all- Intensive form of y'all

Fixin'- about to, to be on the verge, or "We had burgers with all the fixins."

Ill- in a bad mood, ornery

Cut the light on- People in the south cut things on and off, they don't turn them on or off. Occasionally they flip stuff on and off.

Water Spicket- water faucet, water tap

Mash- the south loves mash potatoes, but Mash made my list, because the south is the only place where you mash buttons.

Feel free to add more.......

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

6 Months

It’s been 6 months since I last stepped on to South Carolina soil. I’m so excited to be with my family and loved ones, and I can’t wait to wrap my arms around Crystal’s neck and look into her great big eyes. The babies will now be walking, the toddlers will now be children, and Crystal will have a few more gray hairs mixed in her dark black mane. She turned 19 this year. I’ve had her for almost 16 years now. Things will be different, but it will still be home. My room will still have my king size bed with the best mattress in the world. The kitchen will still be the gathering place after every meal, the fields will still be lush and green, and the humidity will still be there to greet me each time I step out of the shower. I can not wait to wake up to the sun beaming through the window in my east facing room or for the sound of crickets singing as I rock on the porch at night watching the fire flies. Returning home will be just as amazing as it always is, except one thing…..this time I get to bring the most wonderful person in the world with me.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

We miss ya Blue!

One of my favorite people in the world, Jess Blue, recently moved to MN. Here are a few pics of her last week in town. We miss ya Blue!

Eric Jackson, Blue, Dodson, Wendy, Steph

Me, Blue, Wendy, Steph

Wendy, Dodson, Blue

Memorial Weekend 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy!
Friday~ Rode four-wheelers up Diamond Fork canyon with Kevin, Jake and Melissa.
Saturday~ Hiked up Y Mountain, rode horses up Mapleton Canyon with Kevin, Jake and Brick. Dollar had his best day ever! It was such a gorgeous trail and we saw a bear and her two cubs (but they were really far away).
Sunday~ Great dinner at the Bird’s house
Monday~ Trail running with Tatia up to Stewart Falls, rode four-wheelers with Kevin, Brandon and Luke up Spanish Fork canyon, cooked out with Kevin and his family.

Things I should have done but didn’t over the weekend~
Clean house, do laundry, go grocery shopping, wash my car, pay bills, shop for summer clothes/bathing suits, give Dollar a bath, organize the stacks of papers on my desk, etc…..but it really doesn’t matter because it was the most fun Memorial Weekend I can remember! I’ll post more pics when I can!