Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11th

While visiting Pearl Harbor, I realized this tragedy in our country's history was so emotionally traumatic to the people who lived through it, whether they were there when it happened, or not. Anyone alive on December 7th 1941 will never forget where they were when they learned of the devastation. I have to admit, every December 7th passes and I never associate the day with Pearl Harbor- I didn't experience it first hand, but I bet my Grandma makes the connection each year. She would have been in high school.
Now for the rest of my life....I will always think of the terrorist attacks when I hear "September 11th." Six years later and the date is just as, if not more, engraven on my mind. I don't know why I did, but I pulled up some footage of the planes crashing into the towers on YouTube today. I guess I wanted to stir the emotions within me, I wanted to feel some of the sorrow I felt six years ago. History will always provide us with stories of tragedy and devastation; the scary part is that history will be made in our lifetimes and our children's. What dates will be burnt into the minds of our children?

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