Friday, December 14, 2007

Time for some Southern Comfort

I just purchased a round trip ticket to South Carolina. (Actually Charlotte, but close enough.) A few weeks after Christmas, I'll spend 5 days with my wonderful family. It will have been 7 months since my last vacation there. We're not counting the 36 hours I spent there in September for our wedding throw down. We literally flew in, threw down, and flew out. Exhausting. I plan on spending some much needed time with my wonderful nieces and nephews and of course my trusty childhood steed,Crystal.

I like to bring out the crazy in my siblings' younguns!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Poll Results are in....

I guess polling the 9 of you who responded isn't exactly accurate research. But in a world based on the 9 people who are bored enough to check out my blog (mostly cube monkeys), 66% of you get your best ideas while laying awake in bed. Is that why all of my co-workers can be so grouchy? Just messin'! I definitely get my best ideas while writing, traveling or driving. When it's time to go to sleep there ain't nothin' that can keep me up. I may cry myself to sleep, but it never takes more than a few minutes. Certainly not enough time to come to any epiphanies. Maybe that is why I like to blog so much. Writing takes all of the crazy random thoughts and feelings in my head and somewhat organizes them on paper. (The word "somewhat" being a complete disclaimer if I ever write stupid stuff). I keep my blog posts light and fun for the most part, but if you ever got a chance to peek into my journal...whoa now buddy...ya better hold on tight.

Learning from others instead of finding out for myself - I didn’t know I was capable

So I have had this major itch to get a little tiny house dog, and Kevin and I have been considering getting a Chihuahua. We even went and looked at puppies on Saturday. After talking to my mom, I decided that instead of making an alright decision to get a little dog (we’re at a great time in life to have a puppy), I’d make a better decision and not.
My mom said that before she had her first kid…she got a dog…..during gaps between kids….she got a dog. In fact, every dog she ever got was when she was waiting to have a kid. After she had each kid she regretted having the responsibility of a dog. So mom, for once, I’m going to take your advice and put off an alright decision for a better decision. (Realize if Kevin gets me a puppy for Christmas, I’ll totally delete this post and pretend I never wrote it.)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Life of a 9-5er in Utah in December

Winter is hard for a 9-5er. When I leave for work, the sun is barely rising. When I get in my car after a long day in the office, the sun is saying her goodbyes. My restless body retreats to the gym for stimulation.
I look around the gym for an open treadmill and race another office rat for the open spot. I spend only a second thinking about all of the germs living on the buttons as I start the machine up and try to ignore the sweat drops staring at me from the control panel. I slowly increase the speed on the treadmill and start to take a good look around. After a moment of people watching I look down….only 2 minutes. This is going to be a long work out. I aimlessly flip through the channels on my monitor and settle for a Friends rerun. A few moments later I resume my people watching. I wonder if she would wear those shorts if she knew how much of her cellulite was showing? Does he realize that every time he walks past that mirror he pauses and stares for a minute? Do they ever workout when they come here, or do they really only come to talk? Aww, I hope when I’m that old I’m still that physically fit. Man I’m so tired, how long have I been on here? Do they still make neon biker shorts, or has he really kept those since the 80's? I can’t believe how much I pay to run on this treadmill like some kind of a lab rat. Only a few more months of frigid temperatures and icy side walks and I’ll be free again!