Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sam Walton owes me!

So I took my car to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed. When I went to pick it up, I paid and then the gum smacking teenager told me the manager wanted to walk me out to my car. I thought great….here we go; he’s going to tell me I need to buy this fluid and that fluid, or my car is going to blow up. Well, I was wrong. As we walked he said, “we had a lil’ accident with your car.” I said, “you’re pulling my leg right?” He said, “no” as if thinking what kind of stupid joke would that be!?! The video shows they dropped a wheel off of this machine and it crashed into the side of my car. My favorite part of the story- they actually charged me for the oil change before telling me they had an “accident” with my car.

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