Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not for the weak stomach...

Moon got his hind foot stuck in the slats of an extremely heavy metal gate out at the farm last weekend. Guessing by the massive trail of blood he left in the snow…we figure he drug it around for a while before freeing himself. Three of his 4 legs were thrashed and swollen larger than I’ve ever seen before. Jake, Courtney, Melissa, and I have spent countless hours playing vet with him. We’re hoping the coronet band won’t be too badly damaged and that he’ll walk away with no long term problems and just the inevitable scar.


Adam said...

That's really gross. How's moon now?

JessBeQuick said...

Moon is doing somewhat better, but he is still stalled so he can't walk on it. He is going a bit stir crazy. It will take weeks before we quite bandaging it and he can be let loose.