Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Here is to putting the cart before the horse.....

I was recently chastised for not updating my blog enough, so since inquiring minds are searching for answers, here is the latest:

My company recently restructured its departments and all of the job titles/responsibilities. Translation: I’ll do more marketing and less customer service and a few of my co-workers are looking for other employment opportunities. Bitter sweet.

I went boarding again Saturday with friends from work and then took a personal day from work on Monday when I woke up to a foot of fresh powder outside. Some of the best boarding yet! I finally purchased a helmet but can’t decide if it will prevent injury due to the philosophy I have adopted since buying it. “I can go off that jump a lot bigger now that I have a helmet,” or “I can go a lot faster through the trees now that I have a helmet.” I’m hitting my head more frequently now that I have “protection”.

On the way down Big Cotton wood canyon Moni tells us his Durango is running out of gas. With "0" miles till empty flashing and the needle below the E, we coasted into the 7 Eleven at the mouth of the canyon. Good thing for gravity!

For those who know “Elder Scotty,” he says he is lonely and wants letters.

Elder Bertoglio
1300 Crownpoint Ave. #17
Norman, OK 73072-5875

1 comment:

WonderMom said...

I love you!!!