Friday, May 05, 2006

Finding Joy in Simplicity

I recently returned from a canyoneering trip in Arizona. My time was spent in canyoneering courses, descending Tank Canyon and Cibeque Canyon, networking with other ACA members, and catching up with friends. We camped on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and I had the opportunity to get to know a few locals. My favorite part of the trip was the chance to spend a lot of time in the water. The canyons in Southern Utah are generally pretty dry and don’t usually have heavy flow running through them. One of my courses taught “swift water” and I had a blast jumping in the rapids and trying to control my course around obstacles down stream. I also loved all the jumping into pools from various heights. I got a lot of practice with ropes and learned a lot of methods to make my canyoneering hobby as safe as possible.
It was hard (really hard) to come back to Northern Utah, but I’m here now and making the best of it. Since returning I’ve moved into a new position at work, quality control manager, have spent some quality time with Dollar and spent a lot of time thinking about my life. As complicated as I sometimes try to make it, things are actually quite simple. I have a cush job that pays all my bills, I have an amazing horse, I have incredible friends, and a supportive family behind me in all my endeavors. I love you all!!

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