Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009


It’s no surprise that we have a ton of snow and that is cold here; I live in Utah. But, even I was shocked when I fed the horses this morning. I was outside of my toasty car for maybe 5 minutes, just long enough to throw some hay and check on the water, and when I got back into my car I realized my hair was completely frozen. Granted, my hair was still wet from the shower, but I looked like Medusa….instead of snakes coming from my scalp, I had rock hard strands of frozen hair. It was weird. I wish I had a picture of my frozen locks, but instead you get a picture of my frozen pony.

Note to self…..blow drying my hair is mandatory when it is below 32 degrees.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Taking my daily dose of realization

So when does one realize that they are in fact going to be a parent? I always thought it was when the pregnancy test comes up positive, but I'm finding that our minds can't actually wrap our brains around the concept all at once. The three positive pregnancy tests were just the beginning. All of the physical symptoms, the 3ultra sounds I've watched, and the tiny movements I'm starting to feel are helping reality set in. In fact, I just made my first post-birth dentist appointment and the hygienist actually asked me "so what time do you think will work best for you and your baby?" Me and my what!? Oh yeah that.
I haven't been this excited since Kevin asked me to marry him! I've also never been more nervous in all of my life. There is a tiny person growing inside of me, and it's the most exhilarating feeling in the world!