So I voted today. The voting wasn’t that exciting in itself, but the experience was certainly blog worthy. Normally only two precincts vote at my voting location, but for some reason unknown to me, they weren’t using the normal location and they made us drive across town. (Across town in Springville means 2 miles away.) I’m a little put out by wasting 10 minutes of my lunch break at this point. When I finally get to the correct place there is a huge line. Deep breath.
Soon after I got in line, a lady behind me starts encroaching upon my personal space. Next thing I know she’s right beside me. I think, “Is she really trying to cut in front of me?” I hate when people get really close to me in lines. I have crowd anxiety and hate to be crowded. I’ll even leave a few feet between me and the person in front of me to hopefully help the rude person behind me understand my need for personal space. If this doesn’t work I’ll look over at them and let out a big, I’m so annoyed right now, sigh. Now back to the lady.
I couldn’t believe she wasn’t getting any of my usual hints. Not the sighing or the glares. Eventually she passed right by me. When the poll worker came to ask her for her name I raised my hand high and said, “I was next.” He looked at the lady, now totally in front of me, as if asking her permission and she nodded her defeat. Come to find out she wasn’t even at the right location and left, but her replacement wasn’t any better. Now I had a kid decked out in Abercrombie from head to toe with shaggy hair behind me. His appearance wasn’t what annoyed me; his mom was a little ways up in line and they were arguing over his choice in candidates to vote for. Everyone in the line was forced to hear the two of them making jabs at each others choice in candidates and defending their own. It was extremely tacky. I finally made it to the front of the line, cast my vote, and headed back to work. To keep from being grumpy I just think of what an awesome Seinfeld episode this would make.